September 2023 Newsletter – We Are At War

Someone on Christian radio quoted a movie he recently watched, “Of course you’re losing the war, you don’t even know you’re in a war.” Do you know that you are in a war? This is a war for the eternal souls of our children. Irwin Lutzer in his book, “No Reason to Hide” said the following:

After a lovely dinner with some friends in Colorado, whose deck overlooks a mountain range, the wife said to us, “I like to sit here in my rocking chair every morning, enjoying the mountains while rocking back and forth.” Then she added, “And when I’m done, I look at my phone and it tells me I have walked three miles!”

Many of us wish we could sit back in a rocking chair and make progress on our journey toward a better future for our children and grandchildren. But life in today’s world doesn’t work that way; we have to leave our comforts and join in the fray to protect our children from those who would exploit them. Are you willing to join in the fray?

Jesus said in Luke 6:39-40 “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit? A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” This is a warning for every parent, grandparent, aunt, and uncle. You and I need to actively pursue teaching the children the truth of Scripture because Satan is actively teaching them his lies. He is a sly enemy who is patient and watchful. He is luring families away from church or leading them to churches that “tickle the ear” instead of teaching what God’s Word commands. As believers we know that God has already won the victory, but that should not be an excuse to stay out of the fray. It should be a motivation to join in! You and I have the best news EVER~ There is salvation, there is true freedom, there is joy in the journey. At a camp this year a young foster mom stopped by to see me. Her two foster daughters were attending camp. This mom attended camp about 16 years ago. During our conversation, I asked where she was going to church – she wasn’t. I said to her, “(Joy) you know you need to be in church.” I introduced her to the pastor (who was a camp volunteer), and his wife. This young mom has been attending church and is speaking to the pastor about becoming a member of the church. Pray for (Joy) as she seeks to walk with God. Pray for her boyfriend, and her daughters as they, too, are discipled with the Word of God.


For the full version of this month’s newsletter, click here.