The Harvest is Plentiful

The Harvest is Plentiful

I grew up going to Good News Day Camp. Every year I could hardly wait as camp got closer! I just loved
every part of it. One thing I still love about day camp is how well it ministers to the unsaved child and also “church kids” like I was. A few weeks ago, my sister and I were reminiscing over day camp memories not only from childhood, but also during the time we spent as summer missionaries. We have a lot of good memories; making friends we’d look forward to seeing from year to year, mulling over what to wear for crazy head day, crafts we kept for years, songs we still remember from 1st grade, and of course, sno-kones.

One of the first times I was really struck by the gospel, specifically the intensity of Christ’s suffering for me, was through a Bible lesson at camp. God also grew in me an awareness of international missions through meeting missionaries at camp. Over time these good experiences turned into teaching my first Bible Lesson, leading children to Christ, seeing prayers answered, and becoming good friends
with other summer missionaries. I also think back on those who were summer missionaries when I was a camper and can’t believe that now I get to teach their children at day camp!

Recently I’ve been so encouraged by the reminder of God’s faithfulness and patience during His process of making us more like Him. I’m so thankful that He used CEF® Good News Day Camp
to grow me in my faith as I grew up and also to train me as I was a summer missionary and now as staff. God is faithful in raising up workers for His harvest for each generation. During Jesus’ ministry on earth, he told his disciples “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field”. (Luke 10:2 NIV).

It’s exciting to wonder which one of the campers I teach this summer will be the next summer missionary or the next staff? Or, maybe God will use them as “workers” for His harvest in a
different way. God knows since it’s His field in the first place. God is going to work this summer. Thank you for being a part of it!

~ Jerusha

For the full version of this month’s newsletter, click here.