June 2023 Newsletter — New Hire, New Horizons

New Hire, New Horizons

It blows my mind that I am coming up on my first month at Child Evangelism Fellowship. Learning a new job is always challenging, and it seems especially with CEF I am truly learning something new each day because there is a lot to get oriented with. However, it has been a true joy working here and things are already in full swing as we head into the summer.

My first priority at CEF was preparing for an evaluation of my presentation of the Wordless Book, which I spent most of my time in my first few weeks learning about and structuring an approach to. Instead of merely memorizing the script that was used during a training day, I decided to memorize the main points of each page and supplement with more in depth theology. So I hit the books and studied doctrine and the Scriptural basis behind terms I have been taking for granted like salvation, regeneration, atonement, and forgiveness. This really paid off in my presentation, as I was able to reduce some heavy theological concepts into
ways a child could understand without compromising on the significance of certain points, like the fact that God
must punish sin. Overall, the presentation went well, and now I’m working on preparing Bible lessons that I’ll be
evaluated on during our week away at CYIA training.

Currently, work centers around preparation for the summer. We have Good News Day Camps and a week of 5-
Day Clubs to plan for. This involves processing registrations and donations, prepping material for volunteer
training, designing games for recreation times, and developing scripts and skits for puppets. Jimmie Lu Smallwood came in to teach us how to use puppets for ministry, and it was a blast to come up with silly voices and ridiculous personalities for our puppets. Although I’ve only interacted with our summer missionaries for a short time, I’m already looking forward to working with them!

Between preparing for CYIA and a summer full of camps and day clubs, my start at CEF has been jam-packed with learning tasks and procedures. However, with a God as good as ours, and coworkers as gracious as Shelley, Linda, and Jerusha, the onboarding process has been overall fun and exciting. I’m especially looking forward to the summer that is sure to be challenging, but working with the summer missionaries in furthering the kingdom in Schuylkill County will undoubtedly be an extraordinary experience.

– Dillon


For a full version of this month’s newsletter, click here.