February 2024 – Did You Know?

Every day Linda, Dillon, and I spend time in prayer. This time includes praying for other CEF chapters, other ministries, each other, and prayer requests that have been shared with us or those requests for which the Lord has given us a burden. Many days our hearts cry out for the northern region of our county. CEF has very little ministry there, it is a difficult area to reach with the Gospel. But there is a great need!

Did you know there are children in our county who are locked out of their homes in the morning until the parents return from work at the end of the day? Did you know that over the summer there are children who do not have any lunch? Did you know there is a church who opens its doors to the youth of their town only to have the youth break in and steal from them? The church continues to be a welcoming home to the youth in their neighborhood. Did you know that in Schuylkill County there are towns without a Bible teaching church?

Help is needed. Linda has been helping to care for her aging parents and may need to take a leave of absence for a period of time. Please pray for us. Volunteers are needed to cover for Linda during her leave of absence and to cover existing clubs so new areas of ministry can be explored.

Scottish preacher, Alexander Whyte said, “We have plenty of time for all our work did we husband (manage) our time and hoard it up aright. We cannot look seriously in on another’s faces and say it is want of time. It is want of intention. It is want of determination. It is want of method. It is want of motive. It is want of conscience. It is want of heart. It is want of anything and everything but time.”

Will you make the time to pray for CEF? Will you make the time to reach the children in your neighborhood with the Gospel? Will you make the time?


For the children,



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