March 2023 Prayer and Praise

1. Wed. Pray for the persecuted church. Pray for them, by God’s grace, to persevere to the end.
2. Thu. Pray for more Good News Club® volunteers.
3. Fri. Pray for the Tri Valley School District to change their policy regarding the distribution of flyers. The district will not distribute the Good News Club® flyers to students, and it does affect attendance.
4. Sat. Thank God for Janet Kramer. Pray for her as she grades the Mailbox Club™ lessons and corresponds with both children and adults who do the lessons. Pray they would be faithful in doing their lessons.
5. Sun. Pray for more opportunities to share the Gospel with the children in Schuylkill County.
6. Mon. Pray for the children to be faithful in attending the Good News Club® at First United Methodist Church,
7. Tue. Pray for believers to attend the Prayer Summit in May. Let us join together to pray for our county.
8. Wed. Pray for pastors to be bold in sharing the Gospel.
9. Thu. Pray for the summer missionaries of God’s choosing.
10. Fri. Pray for the CYIA™ committee as they meet today over Zoom to make plans for summer missionary
training school.
11. Sat. Pray for 400 children to attend Good News Day Camp this summer.
12. Sun. Pray for an army of volunteers to serve at Good News Day Camp.
13. Mon. Pray for the children and parents to stick with Good News Club® until the last week.
14. Tue. Pray for the health of Elizabeth and Baby Garcia. Elizabeth is due at the end of May.
15. Wed. Pray for children to know they were created by God ~“male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27
16. Thu. Pray for the children who come from broken homes to the know they have a Father who will never leave them nor forsake them. (Hebrews 13:5)
17. Fri. Pray for children who are neglected to know they are loved by God.
18. Sat. Pray for children in foster care to have the opportunity to hear about the One True God.
19. Sun. Pray for Christian parents to see the value in CEF® ministries.
20. Mon. Praise God for Cathy Nagle, CEF® treasurer, she spends many hours a week in the office and
participating in Good News Club®.
21. Tue. Praise God for John Racilla who spends many hours a week taking care of the CEF® building and
refurbishing the furnace room.
22. Wed. Praise God for all the volunteers who have a burden for the children of Schuylkill County and have said, “yes!” when God called them to help with this ministry.
23. Thu. Give thanks for the following men and women who serve on the committee: Erik Gottfried, John Racilla, Gale Hurst, Linda Fetherolf, Cathy Nagle, Dana Oravitz, and Tom Tilden. We meet tonight. Pray for wisdom.
24. Fri. Pray for Linda as she works to organize the crafts for Good News Day Camp.
25. Sat. Praise God for answered prayer! We needed sewers to make bags for checkers and several dear ladies answered the call.
26. Sun. Praise God for Jack and Barb Wetzel, Janet Maurer, and Dave and Karen Snyder who come to the office to help stuff the monthly newsletter.
27. Mon. Pray for the children to call the Tel-A-Story number. This is a safe place where the children can hear a
short biblical truth story each day. 1-888-878-8660 or (
28. Tue. Praise God for the children who do the Mailbox Club™ lessons. Pray for hearts receptive to the Gospel message.
29. Wed. Pray for Shelley, Linda, Elizabeth, and Jerusha to “give no opportunity to the devil.” Ephesians 4:27
30. Thu. Pray for State Director, Mark Wyland and Assistant State Director, Brenda Smith as they lead the ministry of CEF® in Pennsylvania.
31. Fri. Pray for men and women willing to serve on the local committee.

To print this month’s prayer calendar, click here.