CEF of Schuylkill County offers free training through a variety of outlets:
- Volunteer Training Classes
- Teaching Children Effectively
- Super Seminars for Children's Workers
- Pulpit Supply
- Vacation Bible School Assistance
- Outreaches
- Prayer Partnerships
- Financial Support
If you are interested in more information please contact the CEF® office.
*In order to keep children and volunteers safe, we require all volunteers to complete clearances and child protection paperwork. You can find all of that paperwork here.

Teaching Children Effectively
Teaching Children Effectively™ (TCE™) Level 1 is designed to offer a fresh approach to evangelizing and teaching children. Based on spiritual and educational principles, the course provides the methods and procedures to lead children to Christ and immediately equips the believer to begin and sustain a ministry where he lives.
Contact Shelley Hikes at 570-544-8042 or email: office@cefschuylkill.com for more information.