5 Day Club®
5 Day Clubs are Bible clubs that meet for one week during the summer. They are hosted by local churches and people in the community and are taught by Child Evangelism Fellowship® summer missionaries and staff. 5-Day Clubs include snacks, games, Bible lessons, songs, memory verses and teaching on missions. We meet for 1 to 1-1/2 hours for five consecutive days during the summer.
During 5-Day Clubs we do the following activities:
- Songs
- Bible lessons
- Missionary time
- Games
- Snacks
- and lots of FUN!

What We Do At 5 Day Clubs
This is another great way to reach the children in your neighborhood with the Gospel. 5-Day Clubs meet in homes, churches, community centers, backyards, anywhere children can meet safely. Clubs are taught by CEF trained summer missionaries who have been screened based on Pennsylvania's child protection laws.