September 2022 Prayer Calendar

September Prayer and Praise

1. Thu. Praise God for the many congregations who supported our summer missionary team.
2. Fri. Janet Kramer faithfully grades the Mailbox ClubTM lessons and writes a personal note with each lesson.
Pray for the children to continue without reminders.
3. Sat. Pray for Katie Burian, Bobby Oravitz, Xander Burian, Anna Oravitz, Amy Hautle, and Christopher Hautle, our summer missionary team, as they return to school~ as a teacher, college, and high school students.
4. Sun. Pray for a fresh passion for the gospel to fill each believer, so that we will obey the Holy Spirit when He prompts us to witness.
5. Mon. Pray for more Good News Club® volunteers. We would like to pursue a few more schools but have a
need for people willing to teach in the clubs.
6. Tue. Pray for the staff from the state of PA as we travel to Manns Choice (Somerset County) for several days of meetings and teachings at the staff refresher.
7. Wed. Pray for Shelley as she leads a session during the staff refresher.
8. Thu. Pray for the PA staff as they return home today.
9. Fri. Praise God for Cathy Nagle who faithfully does the financial tasks for CEF®.
10. Sat. Pray for Shelley and Elizabeth as they work with Bettina Schaeffer to share the Gospel during the St.
Clair block party.
11. Sun. Pray for pastors as they contact unchurched families from Good News Day Camp.
12. Mon. Pray for children who have a hunger for the Word, that their families would attend a Bible teaching
church where they can grow in their knowledge of God.
13. Tue. Pray for Shelley, Linda, Elizabeth, and Jerusha that they would “be strong in the Lord and in his
mighty power” (Eph. 6:10), putting on God’s spiritual armor to stand firm in their faith.
14. Wed. Pray for Christian parents to help their children have a burden for the lost.
15. Thu. Some areas of the county are exceedingly difficult places to minister the Gospel. Pray for God to open
hearts and to blind the eyes of the enemy.
16. Fri. Pray for Jeff and Melissa Beauvais. They served as our camp missionaries in Tamaqua raising money
for children to attend camp in Zimbabwe.
17. Sat. Pray for Bob and Bettina Schaeffer. They served as camp missionaries in Valley View serving with
L.I.F.E. Ministry, in New York City and as pastor at First United Presbyterian Church, St. Clair.
18. Sun. Pray for Pastor Britto and Annie as they served as camp missionaries in Pine Grove. They serve with
the Independent Church in India doing more to reach the lost than can be listed here.
19. Mon. Pray for Shelley, Linda, Elizabeth, and Jerusha as they finalize preparations for the volunteer training
classes being held tomorrow.
20. Tue. Pray for the volunteer training classes being held this morning and evening. Pray for many to attend.
Pray for this class to be an encouragement and very helpful for those in attendance.
21. Wed. Pray for Hannah Noecker who served as our camp missionary at Auburn. She serves with CMTS
(Christian Missionary Technical Services), Bernville as a support missionary helping other missionary
organizations (including CEF of Schuylkill County)~ local and overseas.
22. Thur. The CEF local committee meets tonight. Pray for Erik Gottfried, Linda Fetherolf, Cathy Nagle, Gale
Hurst, Dana Oravitz, and John Racilla. Pray for God’s wisdom as they make decisions for CEF of Schuylkill
23. Fri. Pray for boldness to share the Gospel ~ God’s saving message.
24. Sat. Praise God for Jen Hautle. She volunteers in the office keeping our child protection paperwork up to
25. Sun. Pray for the children to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
2 Peter 3:18
26. Mon. Pray for Diane Pomroy. She was the missionary we supported from our 5-Day Clubs and Ashland
camp. The money raised will help to purchase “The Greatest Doctor” tract which is used overseas to share the
Gospel with thousands of children.
27. Tue. Pray for the Good News Club® registration forms to get to the children and parents. Clubs start the
week of October 3.
28. Wed. Pray for more children to call the Tel-A-Story number 1888-878-8660 or listen online at
29. Thu. Praise God for our office volunteers. Over the years many people have served the Lord by stuffing the
newsletter, preparing camp and Good News Club registration forms for mailing, stapling, counting crafts, etc.
30. Fri. Pray for the children to learn to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37)