For a printable copy of this month’s prayer calendar, click here.
1. Tue. Pray for more children to sign up to receive the Mailbox ClubTM lessons. These lessons are free and a great way for children to learn theology and to encourage daily devotions, so they can grow in their knowledge of God.
2. Wed. Praise for Linda Cerullo as she faithfully records devotional stories daily for the Tel-A-Story® ministry. Pray for more children to call 570-621-9099 and for the unsaved to receive Christ.
3. Thu. The following school districts have policies prohibiting the distribution of non-school activity flyers: Schuylkill Haven, Tri-Valley, North Schuylkill and Minersville. Pray for CEF to find other ways to reach the children in these areas with the Gospel.
4. Fri. Pray for the summer ministries~ CYIATM, Good News Day Camp, 5-Day Clubs and the Schuylkill County Fair.
5. Sat. Pray according to Psalm 25:5 “Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.”
6. Sun. Thank the Lord for Pastor Mark Brooks who drives the bus for the Pottsville Released-Time Good News Club®, Pottsville.
7. Mon. Pray for Jimmie Lu and Linda as they begin to fill in the gap left by the move of Pastor Bo Frey. Jimmie Lu will be teaching the Bible lesson at Hegins-Hubley and Linda at Mahantongo Elementary Schools.
8. Tue. Praise God for His faithfulness to this ministry. Pray for us as staff, to always stand on the Truth of God’s Word.
9. Wed. Pray for Connie, Linda, Jimmie Lu and Shelley to know “Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.” (Ephesians 3:20)
10. Thu. Tonight is the party club held in Mahanoy City; Pray for Linda, Keith Jr., Katia and the Gottfried family as they use the party club as an extension of their ministry to the families in Mahanoy City.
11. Fri. Pray for the children who have believed in Jesus as their Savior. Pray for their parents to find a church home where they, as a family, can grow to know Jesus better.
12. Sat. We praise God for you, who fervently pray for Child Evangelism Fellowship of Schuylkill County.
13. Sun. Pray for the party club held at Simpson United Methodist Church, Gordon. Pray for the children who attend to have a heart of flesh, open to the Gospel message. Pray for Jimmie Lu as she teaches the Bible lesson.
14. Mon. Praise God for office volunteers: Karen Snyder, Carol Hoy and Barb Wetzel. They give their time to prepare the newsletter for mailing, counting Good News Club registration forms, preparing crafts, etc. THANK YOU!
15. Tue. Today is volunteer training class. Pray for Shelley, Linda, Jimmie Lu and Connie to be sensitive to the needs of the volunteers so they leave being edified and encouraged.
16. Wed. Pray for the children. We are seeing hearts hardened to the Gospel. Pray according to Jeremiah 31:33 for the Lord to “put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts.”
17. Thu. Praise for the children who are doing Bible lessons through the mail; pray for them to continue without reminders. Pray for wisdom for Kay Artz who grade many lessons every month and write notes of encouragement to each student.
18. Fri. Pray for local pastors to see the value of the Good News Clubs being held in their local elementary schools. Pray they will see this as an opportunity for their church to minister to the family helping them to grow in their relationship with Jesus.
19. Sat. The harvest is ripe. Pray for clubs to begin in the following elementary schools: Gillingham Charter School, Mahanoy Area, Minersville Area, North Schuylkill and St. Clair.
20. Sun. Praise God for the gift of His Son, Jesus.
21. Mon. Praise the Lord for the churches and individuals who faithfully support CEF financially.
22. Tue. Pray for Jerusha, Mackenzie, Elizabeth and Katie as they are praying about returning to serve as a summer missionary. Pray for new summer missionaries~ young men would be a wonderful addition to the team.
23. Wed. Praise God for the children who are coming to know Jesus as their personal Savior during Good News Club®.
24. Thu. The committee meets tonight at 7 p.m. Please pray for unity and wisdom as they make decisions for CEF of Schuylkill County. Committee members are: Chairman~ Erik Gottfried, Vice Chair~ Wendell Heisler, Treasurer~ Mrs. Cathy Nagle, Secretary~ Mrs. Linda Fetherolf, Members~ Mr. Ray Burian, Dana Oravitz, Pastor Justin Whitenight.
25. Fri. Today a CYIATM (Christian Youth in ActionTM) meeting is being held in Mifflintown. Pray for Shelley and many of the CEF directors around the state who will be traveling today. Pray for wisdom in decision making as they look ahead to the summer.
26. Sat. Pray for the preparations to take camp to Chinatown, Philadelphia.
27. Sun. Pray for believers to be bold in sharing the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
28. Mon. Pray for the hearts of the children to be receptive to the Message of Salvation.
29. Tues. Praise God for the many supporting churches throughout Schuylkill County. Praise for the many faithful prayer warriors who keep CEF of Schuylkill County before the Throne of Grace.
30. Wed. Pray for Mark Wyland, CEF® state director, as he leads the ministry in Pennsylvania. He also serves as district director over Connecticut, New York and Delaware.
31. Thur. Spring semester Good News Clubs start next week. Pray!
For a printable copy of this month’s prayer calendar, click here.